Get your sex life back ... with our tips |
IT'S very common for couples to find having a baby seems to spell the end of a
passionate sex life, but help is available.
I'm mostly going to talk to the
new mum herself here, but obviously the information is just as relevant for
you if you're the new father and feeling very rejected.
Why do new mothers so often lose their sex drive? It's so common I reckon in
part it's Nature's form of contraception to make sure we don't have our
babies too close together.
Nature doesn't know we've invented the condom and the pill - but you do, and
must make sure that worrying about another pregnancy isn't damping down sex
Giving birth leaves many women pretty sore down below. Trying to make love too
soon, perhaps to please your partner, can both cause some pain in itself,
and make you more tense next time.
Lubricants like KY Jelly, Vielle or Sensilube (available online or in
chemists) can help ease discomfort but are no substitute for loving foreplay
and really feeling aroused. You and your partner can always find ways other
than intercourse to give one another pleasure that avoid any tender spot
until it recovers.
If you are still finding intercourse uncomfortable by the time of your
post-natal check at six weeks, though, you must tell the doctor.
Hormonal changes after childbirth may be responsible for short-lived baby
blues, and can also play a part in causing longer-lasting depression, very
often associated with loss of interest in sex.
The hormonal balance should right itself quite quickly but, if you are
suffering from depression and loss of sex drive at the time of your six-week
post-natal check, tell the doctor that too.
If you are still feeling low three months or more after the birth, get help
through your GP or health visitor, and contact the Association for
Post-Natal Illness (020 7386 0868,
for advice and support.
Another physical cause for loss of interest in sex can be exhaustion. Giving
birth and looking after a small baby is extremely tiring. It's very common
for mothers to find they don't sleep more than four hours without
interruption for months on end. It can all feel overwhelming.
Look after yourself. Let the housework stay undone. Have an afternoon nap
while the baby sleeps.
It will help in two ways if baby's dad joins in as much as possible with the
childcare and sharing the chores. For one thing he will be more
understanding because he will realise that it really is tiring. For another,
sharing the care for the baby is known to help new dads build up a
relationship with their child.
So he shouldn't feel it is unmanly to join in - especially if it is going to
help you to have more energy to be loving.
Of course, you do need to confide in your husband or partner. You are
guaranteed to make the problem more serious and long-lived if you are afraid
to tell him how you are feeling, make excuses to go to bed before or after
him, lie there worrying whether he will make an approach, and how you will
feel if he does.
It helps if you both realise that it's probably only a short-lived difficulty,
because if one or both of you takes it to be a serious lasting problem, that
makes you worry, and the worry in itself does make it a long-term problem.
It's a vicious circle.
Most mums find that their baby's cry switches on an internal alarm system,
which instantly switches off any other feelings, including sexiness.
Just because you've usually made love at your normal bedtime, don't try to
stick to this routine after the birth if you find this is a time when your
baby is usually ready to wake for a feed.
You are most likely to get a spell for uninterrupted pleasuring and
love-making if you start as soon as you are sure the baby is settled after a
feed and a change, even if this is in the early evening or during a weekend
If you still haven't recovered your interest in sex months after the birth,
this may be because you have avoided any form of love-making because you
didn't feel like intercourse, and this has hindered the return of your
sexual appetite.
Our sexual interest tends to grow the more it is stimulated, and dies down if
it receives no stimulation. Kissing, cuddling and caressing, without at
first being under pressure to have intercourse if we don't feel like it, can
get the hormones whizzing around the bloodstream again.
My free leaflet How To Revive Your Sex Drive explains self-help sex therapy. I
can also send you one on women and orgasm if you're finding it harder to
climax since having your baby – physical changes down below can make a
Quite often though, sex-life problems after childbirth are actually rooted in
sexual or relationship difficulties which were present before the baby but
lay hidden.
If you suspect this type of "iceberg" problem, the first way to help
yourselves is to try to talk through your feelings, worries and resentments
with one another. If that proves too difficult, then get expert help. Make
an appointment with your local branch of Relate (0300 100 1234,
Occasionally, being a father has a most unexpected effect on the man - he is
the one who runs into sexual problems.
For example, if he has been brought up to think of sex as something rather
dirty and wicked, and to idealise motherhood, he may find it impossible to
see his wife, the mother of his child, as a partner for sex.
He may then suffer from erection problems or premature ejaculation. I have
free leaflets on self-help for premature ejaculation, erection difficulties
and male climax problems, which I can supply if they would help you.
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